Tuesday, May 15, 2012

lonny eye candy - may 2012

I spent much of Sunday night catching up with the latest edition of Lonny Mag.  Since there's always tons of gorgeous photos and inspiration, it takes me a while to absorb it all and I normally have to re-read a few times!

I couldn't choose just one of the house tours to feature this time, so I thought I would pick a few images of some favorites!

First up, Christy and Ryan Ford's Virginia home

The ottoman and that fun leopard rug are two 
of my favorite things in this house!
Love the classic black + white look in the image 
on the right 

Next up, designer Jamie Meares of I suwannee, and her North Carolina home.  

Love love the mirror!  I want to make 
something similar with driftwood. 
More leopard!  Love how it works so well, 
even with a patterned rug!

A must-read blogger, Maryam Montague of My Marrakesh, with her desert home.  

Patterns on staircases really catch my eye 
lately and hese are stunning!

What did you think of the May edition?  What were your favorite images/articles?  Let's talk Lonny!

I posted for Kelly over at Hello Boudreau the other day!  
Make sure to take a look and check out her amazing blog - it's one of my daily reads!


  1. I want that mirror. right.now.

    1. tell me about it! There was so much drift wood on Block Island, I wanted to take it all home to make one! I'll add it to a file for your e-design board if we ever do one!

  2. I love the black and white photo in the first home - so chic.


  3. love each of these! having lots of light in rooms makes everything so beautiful and pleasant to be in. you have such a lovely blog!

    andrea brionne @thedailyeverythings.blogspot.com

  4. I LOVE Lonny mag and the image of the girl with the bob....want a personalized one.

    xo chanel

  5. So much gorgeousness to be found on Lonny!

    Abbey x

    1. I know. It takes me hours to get through because I just stare!

  6. OMG i am obsessed with them all! I just recently heard about Lonny & can't get enough!



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