Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I'm pretty sure the blog COCOCOZY is what got me into doing my own blog and really throwing my interior design interest into full gear.  That is the very first one I started reading regularly, and still continue to do so today.  Her taste is impeccable, spot-on and I always find new things on her blog that inspire me.  Her textiles are gorgeous.  I wish I could fill my apartment with all of her things and I think they are a great addition to any space.  Any fabric holds a special place in my heart.  In my previous job, I was a product coordinator for a fashion company for 3 years where I worked with all the fabrics every day.  I really got to know the ins-and-outs of textiles and grew to love it!  Her fabrics really are absolutely beautiful and I wish I could get to them in person!
I'm in the market for a few pillows and possible a throw.  Here are my top picks right now.

I'm not at all in the market for a stool, but when I saw this I instantly fell in love!  Gorgeous!
All above images can be found and bought at COCOCOZY.

What do you guys think?  Do you like my picks?  Can I justify that stool?

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So glad you are leaving a comment. They always make my day! Happy reading!

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