Friday, March 9, 2012


The first four letters of my last name are PINK!  I've always been attached to it mainly because everyone always calls me pink!  I guess it suits me well since I love pink, anything girly and frilly.  I wonder which came first for me, the last name or the love of the color (haha!)  I'm glad it will always be a part of me (sorry BF, even once we get married and I change my name, PINK will live on!), it's be a fun conversation starter. 
Back to the post!  My friend wants me to help her decorate her apartment and all I've gotten from the initial conversation is, you guessed it, pink!  Fine by me, perfect actually!  People are normally surprised to hear that pink isn't always childish, it can be sophisticated and fun. 
We are in the early stages of her design, so I just wanted to grab a few inspirations to get the wheels turning.  
1&2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The first two pictures I grabbed from Pink Wallpaper.  I first found her site while I was testing out blog names.  My first choice was Pink Paper and then her site came up and I realized it was entirely too close!  It worked out for me though, because I am so in love with her blog!  She has an amazing eye and her her other site The Designer's Attic has the most beautiful fabrics, which reminds me, I want to order some for the bench I want to make. 

What do you think of my inspirations?  Good place to start for a pink overhaul, without being too intense??

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