Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Navy + White

If you haven't heard, I'm on a navy kick.  Lately I have been seeing it used in so many gorgeous ways, matched with unexpected colors and in unusual places.  Of course, my favorite will always be the classic navy and white combination, but royal and white is just as striking  Every time I see it, I love it even more.  Classic, chic, sometimes nautical, navy and white, or even royal and white, is always a home-run for me.

 Both of the comforters are from West Elm.  The top one is a great preppy touch and the bottom one is so fun!  It feels like paint splashes of abstract palm trees, such a different feel than the traditional way you see navy and white. 
 A navy and white pillow is a great addition to any room.  I love how it looks with rich coffee tones. 
 The horizontal stripes below are amazing!  
 This mudroom is gorgeous (who would have thought a mudroom could be called gorgeous).  I wonder if it would always stay that white!  
 I love a patterned chair.  A great way to not get stuck with furniture that looks to matchy.
1 2 3 4 5 

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