Sunday, May 13, 2012


As I keep mentioning, life has been so busy lately (in the best of ways!) and I thought I would slow down and share some of what I was up to last week. 

Packed for my Cali trip – lots of brights + neon 

Re-read my Domino mag on the plane 
(lots of ideas for future projects!)

Pre-flight mani!

We did some typical touristy sightseeing in LA – HOLLYWOOD sign!

Shopping in Beverly Hills 

Early morning coffee in Santa Monica

Back home to my sweet puppy who was freshly 
groomed! – and the BF, too, but he doesn’t enjoy 
modeling quite like this one.

This week has been a whole other story (and quite a whirlwind!) that I will fill you in on next week!  

After the amazing Brimfield, Eric and I drove to Block Island, RI where we are right now!  We are enjoying just relaxing and exploring the town before heading back to reality again!

Enjoy your Sunday!

Don't forget to enter my newest sponsor's - Anna  Delores Photography - GIVEAWAY!

I'm also giving away a custom e-decorating boards over on Let It Be Beautiful.  Make sure you enter soon!


  1. love neons!! more pictures of your trip plss

  2. Yay Hollywood sign! I could see it from my front door in my last apartment. YAY GIVEAWAY! Hope you had a great weekend (and I see you got your goodies -- bonus!) :)

    1. No way! Love that sign. It's so classic! Yes, received the prints - absolutely amazing!! I'm so excited! Will share soon!

  3. oh my goodness, that may just be the cutest puppy!

    The Urban Umbrella


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