Sunday, May 20, 2012


I love sharing my week with you on Sunday's!

I mentioned I went to Block Island, RI after Brimfield last weekend and it was amazing!  If you've never been - I highly recommend!  It reminded me a lot of Ireland, which I love!

Our view

Irish Coffees

Surprise, more coffee! 
Early morning relaxing outside.

Pit stop while bike riding. 

Another stop.  Wherever we went, 
we were the only people there!

My treat after a 4 hour bike ride!

Yummy breakfast - cinnamon coffee cake.

 When I got home, these goodies from
 Anna Delores Photography were waiting for me! 
Stay tuned for how I style them around my apartment!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend and soak up the sun!


  1. It certainly looks beautiful there and the cinnamon coffee cake looks delicious - perfect with a cup of coffee!

  2. Looks like an amazing place and you certainly deserved the ice cream after the 4 hour bike ride!

    Abbey x

  3. So beautiful! I love everything about the New England area...Can't wait to see where you hang those pics

  4. Oh that view is gorgeous!! Looks like such a relaxing place. I'm noting that I need to visit one day. :)

  5. These photos are so gorgeous! You look so cozy in that chair and I am so jealous that you are close to the ocean. I love this whole post.


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